Applying for a connection

If you are connecting a new solar micro generation system or upgrading an existing system with a total inverter capacity no greater than 10kW single phase (230v) or 30kW three phase (400v) and your premise is currently connected to the network, you may use our online application service to receive an immediate permission to connect.

If your connection requirements aren’t covered by the above requirements, please refer to our connect online page to determine the right connection service for you.

Find an installer

Endeavour Energy does not make recommendations on who should install your solar power system. You can search for an approved solar installer by calling the Clean Energy Council on (03) 9929 4100 or by visiting their website.

Inverter Requirements

Endeavour Energy requires all new inverters to be compliant with AS4777.2020 as listed on the Clean Energy Council’s website. Installers must configure the Inverter Settings in accordance with the Guidance on Inverter Settings For Network Compatibility.

Registration of your solar generator

Solar power has been so successful that their combined input is changing the way that the electricity network is planned and operated. Getting this right for everyone requires better visibility of all solar generators being installed.

From 1 December 2019, the details of your solar generator need to be entered into the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Register. Once your application has been approved by Endeavour Energy, your installer will be able to log onto the Register using the reference number quoted on your Permission to Connect.

Your installer has 20 business days after connection of your generator to enter the relevant information. They should provide you a copy of the confirmation from the Register as proof that the information has been submitted.

More information regarding the Distributed Energy Resource Register can be found in AEMO’s fact sheet Information for Installers in NSW.