Energise an installation

Request for a switchboard review, low voltage isolation or energise appointment, high voltage or hazardous inspection, or a dispensation request.

High voltage inspectionRequests for carrying out inspections regarding clearances prior to energisation of high voltage customer electrical installation. For more information, please visit our  High voltage connection service page.
Low voltage sub isolation and energisationLow voltage sub isolations to connect service or consumer mains directly into a substation or distribution pillar, including main switchboard upgrades that require a sub isolation for the works to be carried out. New or upgraded installations must have a Permission to Connect (PTC) letter prior to the connection being made.
Hazardous inspectionRequests for mandatory inspections of electrical installation in hazardous environments.
Dispensation RequestRequests seeking exemption from certain requirements of the NSW Service & Installation Rules.
Switchboard ReviewSubmission of Compliance Statement for main switchboards greater than 100 Amps including single diagrams.