Technical review request

Planning for supply to large or complex developments - including master planning for major projects, subdivisions or establishment of embedded networks, asset relocations or connection of large embedded generators - often involves options analysis and consideration of longer term network development. Preliminary information regarding conditions of supply can be obtained prior to lodging a permanent application by submitting a technical enquiry through our Connections Portal.

A technical enquiry may involve a simple or complex enquiry or the provision of a detailed planning study. A corresponding ancillary charge for the provision of these services applies. Details of this charge can be found on our connections contracts and fees page.

We don't offer a "dial an engineer" service as you typically need to engage an electrical contractor to submit a technical request with some base information about the issue.

Large load and rural customers must pay for any works required to allow their connection upstream of the connection point.

With the exception of rural customers and large load customers, customers will generally only pay the costs of providing and installing the lines and equipment up to the point of connection to the network.

Endeavour Energy pays for all other costs, that is, for shared assets located beyond the connection point. We also generally supply the transformers required to supply the load.

The connection point is the location on the network where adequate capacity is available to supply the customer.

Endeavour Energy will consider the load requirements included with each application and may apply diversity, load factor, and general experience with other customer loads to set an assessed load which may be lower or higher than that applied for.

In the case of rural or large load customers, the customer pays all costs associated with their loads up to the connection point, as well as all upstream costs associated with allowing the connection.

When connecting a customer who has undertaken connection works, if the linkage point is located so that some of the contributed assets are eventually shared by other customers connecting at a later time, property owners will be reimbursed through the Cost Share reimbursement scheme.

If you have any questions about our connections services, please speak to one of our customer service representatives on 02 9853 7977.