Community partners

Through our Powering Communities grants program, we’re partnering with communities across our region to provide support where it is needed most. In 2023, our grants were awarded to:

  • 1st Camden Scouts: Installation of a solar system and LED lighting to reduce their carbon footprint and allow greater use of the facility.
  • Careflight: Trauma care education for first responders to support an improved medical response.
  • Eat Up: School lunch program across 10 Western Sydney schools helping to feed children who would otherwise go hungry.
  • Georges Cross Falcons Community Centre: Creation of a community garden that will provide sanctuary as well as support for those experiencing mental health and homelessness.
  • Liverpool Women’s Resource Centre: Helping disadvantaged women create a ‘side hustle” providing attendees with increased financial stability.
  • Lowlands Wanderers Soccer Club: Planning for future flood events to ensure sporting equipment is protected for a previously flood affected community group.
  • Macquarie Fields High School: STEM program with a sustainability undertone where students will reuse materials to design and create new products.
  • Mates in Construction: Suicide prevention program particularly targeting blue collar workers.
  • Megalong Valley Community and Landowners Association: Public Emergency response kits to build the resilience of an isolated community.
  • Nerringillah Community Association: Bushfire preparation for a previously bushfire affected community.
  • Noah’s Inclusion Services: Enabling play-based therapy sessions for local children with disabilities.
  • Nowra High School: Creation of a homework club for disadvantaged children.
  • Ozfish: Restoration of a degraded saltmarsh in Burroo Bay including removal of invasive weeds and planting of 1800 Saltmarsh species.
  • Richmond Riding for the Disabled: Rainwater reuse program to reduce localised flooding and increase use of facilities.
  • Street Industries: Program for disadvantaged communities that builds the confidence, resilience and self-esteem of attendees through a football program.
  • Parramatta Mission: Provision of meals for those experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable circumstances.

Further information

Future grants rounds will be published on this page, and announced on our socials. You can view the 2023 Powering Communities grant guidelines here or contact our team at