Menangle Park Zone Substation upgrade


The proposed works include:

  • upgrading the existing mobile substation to a permanent facility, with two new transformers (and space for a third) and a permanent building for electrical and control equipment
  • decommissioning and removing the current interim substation
  • constructing supporting infrastructure, including a driveway, lighting, drainage, and connections for water and sewerage
  • implementing security measures such as fencing, gates, signage, and an 11.5 metre pole for lightning protection
  • installing safety systems, including fire management, emergency showers, earthing, and a battery backup system
  • establishing a communication system which includes a 15-metre-tall antenna
  • landscaping of the site.

The need

The current mobile substation does not have the capacity to meet the anticipated demand for electricity beyond 2027 due to expected growth in these regions. To address this, there is a need to enhance electrical capacity by developing a permanent new major substation to bolster the reliability of the supply and accommodate new infrastructure developments in line with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment (DPIE) plans.

The proposed upgrade will secure an adequate long-term electricity supply for current and future residential and commercial customers in the Greater Macarthur Growth Area by providing a new diversified 33kV electricity supply into the area.

This will support urban renewal and new land releases in areas south of Campbelltown, such as Appin, North Appin, and Gilead, which have been identified as areas for substantial growth within the Greater Macarthur 2040 Interim Plan, which has projected the delivery of approximately 40,000 new homes by 2056.

The location

Menangle 68033_01_SiteLocation

The proposed new zone substation is located on Fitzpatrick Road, Menangle Park.

Review of Environmental Factors

As the Authorised Network Operator and proponent for this proposal, Endeavour Energy will undertake an assessment of the project in consideration of all environmental, technical, financial and community impacts. Under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), Endeavor Energy is the determining authority of the proposal.

In accordance with Part 5 of the EP&A Act, Endeavour Energy has prepared a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) which outlines:

  • the proposal description and justification (including benefits and objectives)
  • an overview of the relevant legislative framework
  • consultation completed during the assessment phase
  • consideration of alternatives
  • the environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures to be applied during construction and operation of the proposal.

Please see the draft REF for the proposal here.

Community correspondence

We welcome your input into the draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) associated with the proposal up until 7 April 2025.

The REF outlines project benefits, plus potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures to manage those impacts should the project proceed. All submissions will be considered as part of the project assessment process.

Project contact details

For further information or to make a submission please

  • email our Environmental Specialist Michelle Butler at and include Menangle Park Zone Substation REF in the subject of your email.
  • for telephone enquiries, please call us on 133 718.