Picnic Island Pole Replacement


Endeavour Energy is the proponent for the Picnic Island Pole Replacement project. The proposed activity includes:

  • establishment of new poles locations at the northern side of the island
  • re-establishment of existing access track and establishment of new access track from the northern side of the island to the new poles’ locations
  • removal of existing cut down poles on Picnic Island
  • establishment of a turning circle and laydown area to accommodate machinery around the new pole
  • re-stringing and re-energisation of feeder 7381 across Picnic Island.

The need

The project is required to mitigate the impact of coastal erosion on feeder 7381, maintain electrical supply and reliability for customers.

In this section, provide more details on the problem or opportunity that the proposed works are addressing. Explain why the works are necessary and how they align with the strategic goals of the organisation. Ensure the Customer benefit is clear. Provide evidence or data to support the need for the works, such as current or projected demand, service gaps, safety issues, environmental impacts, or community feedback.

The location

The project site is located on Picnic Island, west of Windang Road, Lake Illawarra, NSW. The island sits within the inlet connecting Lake Illawarra to the Tasman Sea and can be accessed via a pedestrian and authorised vehicles bridge from Pelican View Reserve.

The project also includes a pole laydown area in Cec Glenholmes Oval, off Reddall Parade, near Windle Street, Lake Illawarra.


Picnic Island Pole Replacement Map

Figure 1. Approximate location of proposal

Review of Environmental Factors

Endeavour Energy, as the determining authority, approved the project following a robust assessment of project criteria which has ultimately achieved the best balance of financial, technical, community and environmental considerations.

When at the planning stage, the proposed project was subject to a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) approval under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

The REF included comprehensive assessments on relevant environmental aspects such as noise, visual amenity, flora, fauna, heritage and archaeology, traffic and bushfire risk associated with the proposed works. Endeavour Energy sought community feedback on a draft REF on the proposed project. All comments received were considered.

Following this process, a Decision Statement was issued which approved the construction of the Picnic Island Pole Replacement subject to several construction and environmental management criteria that must be met.

Construction is expected to commence November 2024.

Please see the Final REF for the proposal and Decision Statement here (appendices available on request).

Community correspondence

Stakeholders and landowners located nearby to the proposal will be notified prior to commencement of construction works. Any planned electricity outages will be notified to impacted customers and kept to a minimum and be as short as possible to safely facilitate the development.

Further information

Email: environment@endeavourenergy.com.au

We request any enquiries provide the REF name Picnic Island Pole Replacement.