Proposal to construct and operate Badgerys Creek Zone Substation
Endeavour Energy is proposing to construct and operate Badgerys Creek Zone Substation (ZS) at part 1669-1723, Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek.
The proposal involves:
- construction of a new 132/22kV digital zone substation with two 45MVA transformers
- installation of prefabricated buildings to accommodate indoor 132kV switchgear, 22kV switchgear, protection and control equipment, communications and batteries, and facilities
- installation of onsite water and storm water management systems
- installation of security fencing, gates, lighting and landscaping.
The need
The proposal is required as part of Endeavour Energy’s broader transmission supply strategy to meet the electricity demand in the future Elizabeth Enterprise Precinct including business park, the Sydney Water Advanced Water Recycling Centre and the Badgerys Creek Enterprise Area. The proposal is also crucial to provide a stable and reliable source of electricity to new and critical industry, infrastructure, and other businesses located within and around the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Area.
The proposed Badgerys Creek ZS is located at part lot 1669-1723, Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek within the Penrith City Council local government area. The ZS site is approximately 1km north-east of the Western Sydney Airport, 15km south-east of the Penrith CBD and 40 km west of the Sydney CBD.
Further details of the location are provided in the draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) linked below.
Approximate location of Badgerys Creek Zone Substation
Photomontage view of the Badgerys Creek ZS (indicative)
Review of Environmental Factors
Endeavour Energy, as the Authorised Network Operator and proponent for this proposal, will undertake an assessment of the project in consideration of all environmental, technical, financial and community impacts. Under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), Endeavor Energy is the determining authority of the proposal.
In accordance with Part 5 of the EP&A Act, Endeavour Energy has prepared a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) which outlines:
- the proposal description and justification (including benefits and objectives)
- an overview of the relevant legislative framework
- consultation completed during the assessment phase
- consideration of alternatives
- the environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures to be applied during construction and operation of the proposal.
Please see the approved REF for the proposal here.
A decision statement containing the development consent conditions and authorising the construction works, will be issued by Endeavour Energy for the development.
Community correspondence
Stakeholders and landowners located nearby to the proposal will be notified of construction works. In the event any electricity supply outages are required to facilitate the safe construction of the proposal, any impacted landowners will be notified in advance.
Any planned electricity outages will be kept to a minimum and be as short as possible to safely facilitate the development.
Project contact details
For further information or to make a submission please email contact:
Mohammad Alam
Environmental Specialist
Endeavour Energy
P: 02 9583 6891