Proposal to construct North Bradfield Zone Substation


Endeavour Energy is proposing to construct and operate a new zone substation at part 475 Badgerys Creek Road, Badgerys Creek, NSW to be known as North Bradfield Zone Substation (ZS).

The project involves:

  • construction of a new 132/22kV digital zone substation with two 45MVA transformers comprising of a 132kV outdoor switchyard
  • installing prefabricated buildings to accommodate indoor 22kV switchgear, protection and control equipment, communications and batteries, and facilities
  • installing required ducts to connect cables to a future Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
  • security fencing, gates and lighting
  • landscaping.

The need

The proposed zone substation will strengthen reliability and service the large-scale infrastructure development in the Bradfield region in line with NSW Department of Planning and Environment's plans. The new substation would be connected to the Aerotropolis backbone feeder to provide sufficient capacity to connect new customers in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Core Precinct. There will also be an opportunity to install grid batteries within the substation in the future.


The proposed North Bradfield ZS is located at part lot of 475 Badgerys Creek Road in Badgerys Creek within the Liverpool City Council (LGA). The substation site is approximately 17km southeast of Penrith and 25km southwest of Parramatta.

Location of Bradfield North Zone SubstationApproximate location of Bradfield North Zone Substation (within yellow box)


Review of Environmental Factors

As the Authorised Network Operator and proponent for this proposal, Endeavour Energy has undertaken an assessment of the project in consideration of all environmental, technical, financial and community impacts. Under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), Endeavour Energy is the determining authority of the proposal.

In accordance with Part 5 of the EP&A Act, Endeavour Energy has prepared a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) which outlines:

  • the proposal description and justification (including benefits and objectives)
  • an overview of the relevant legislative framework
  • consultation completed during the assessment phase
  • consideration of alternatives
  • the environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures to be applied during construction and operation of the proposal.

Endeavour Energy has considered all submissions received and has determined the project. Please see the final REF for the proposal here.

Community correspondence

Stakeholders and landowners located nearby to the proposal will be notified of construction works. Any planned electricity outages will be notified to impacted customers and kept to a minimum and as short as possible to safely facilitate the development.

Project contact details

For further information or to make a submission please email contact:
Mohammad Alam
Environmental Specialist
Endeavour Energy
P: 02 9583 6891