5G drones power up for take off

Finding a better way to deliver a safe, reliable, and sustainable electricity supply is in our DNA.

We’re thrilled to work with Optus, AWS, and Unleash live, with the support of the Australian Government to expedite the use of 5G drone technology to make faster decisions and expedite critical maintenance to keep the lights on for our customers.

We’re piloting the use of 5G enabled drones to improve power restoration times for homes and businesses in Western Sydney after unplanned outages caused by storms, floods and natural disasters by leveraging digital innovation to enable faster decisions and expedite critical maintenance that makes a positive difference in the lives of our customers.

In what we believe is an Australian first, this exciting project uses 5G, cloud, Ai, drone technology and ultra-HD cameras to monitor in real-time the physical state of powerlines.

The 5G drone footage of damaged assets can be live streamed to Endeavour Energy’s control centres near to real-time, so crews and materials can be efficiently deployed for repairs, reducing the time homes and businesses are without power.

The technology can also be deployed to help accelerate network remediation and improve worker safety by remotely accessing damaged equipment on the electricity network that could be difficult for humans to manually identify.

This innovative new approach has already been used to accelerate the recovery of power supply to customers after successive record breaking Hawkesbury River floods, to keep our people  safe, reduce the time taken for safety inspections and targeted our response to the customers that needed our assistance the most.

We are committed to being at the forefront of the current energy transformation by embracing digital innovation to improve network safety, avoid disruptive unplanned power outages for homes and businesses and keep downward pressure on the network portion of everyone’s power bills.

Published on Apr 11th 2022