We are excited to announce our inaugural Powering Communities grants program will launch Monday 3 April 2023.

We've created this program so we can power together with our community to deliver grass roots initiatives that improve social outcomes for our community.

The program will see us offer grants between $2,000 and $10,000 to support local projects, services and initiatives that support social inclusion, the health and wellbeing of our community, the environment and education. The program will be open to community groups, schools, registered charities and other not-for-profit organisations from across our region.

Grants Themes

Grants will open in the following four categories:

Creating learning and development opportunities​.
E.g. provision of resources for schools, educational programs, programs that provide access to education. ​

Health and wellbeing​
Programs that support the health and wellbeing of our community​.
E.g. community defibrillator, activities that support participation in sporting and wellness programs, health care packages  ​

Programs that help the community to participate in renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint as we move net zero, or programs that improve or restore the local environment​.
E.g. community gardens, community recycling and composting projects, landfill prevention programs, or programs that restore areas after a flood, fire or storm.

Social inclusion​
Programs that support inclusiveness, equity and diversity or increase energy literacy amongst the community​.
E.g. activities that support diverse communities or those experiencing vulnerable circumstances, promote diversity and inclusiveness, programs that support cost of living pressures for customers​.

Applications will open Monday 3 April and close 4pm Friday 19 May 2023.

To express your interest to be involved please email Comms@endeavourenergy.com.au.

Published on Mar 22nd 2023