Celebrating National Volunteer Week

Between January and April this year, 203 of our incredible people have volunteered their time to a range of important causes, culminating in a combined total of 1520 hours!

We are passionate about supporting the communities we serve and proud to support the involvement of our team members in a range of community initiatives that advocate for better futures. Together, they’ve helped to prepare more than 400 meals, planted in excess of 900 trees, cleared invasive weeds, planted vegetables, and distributed thousands of kilograms of food hampers. 

Working amongst the communities we serve is important to us, so thank you to Foodbank Australia, Wollondilly Shire Council, Dignity Homeless Services Australia, Cana Communities & Cana Farm, Green Connect Illawarra, KARI and Penrith City Council for hosting our volunteers.

Celebrating National Volunteer Week


Published on May 19th 2023