Community tree planting: success and sunshine

Endeavour Energy has joined forces with community members and Council representatives on the South Coast of NSW for special tree planting events.

We’ve joined forces with the Conjola and Bendalong community and Shoalhaven City Council to roll up our sleeves for special tree planting events on the South Coast of NSW .

The community planting days support the regeneration of bushland habitat, stabilise lakeside sand dunes and reduce erosion following the devastating 2019-20 bushfires that impacted these beautiful parts of the Shoalhaven region.

It’s all part of our work towards our 2025 Nature Positive goal of enhancing more natural habitat than impacted through our operations.

We’ve planted over 1,000 seedlings so far to restore coastal woodlands at Bendalong near Manyana and stabilise sand dunes at Lake Conjola. Species include sheoaks to stabilise foreshores and provide extra habitat and lilly pilly, which produce berries eaten by a range of parrots and mammals.

By working closely with community groups and First Nations staff from Shoalhaven City Council, we’ve been able to ensure works are conducted in a culturally sensitive way, without any disturbance to Aboriginal heritage sites.

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Amanda Findley, is encouraging everyone to get involved. “Planting tree seedlings is a great way to help regenerate and preserve local bushland and it’s a wonderful way to connect with nature and meet new friends in the community,” Mayor Findley said.

Greening Australia Program Director Great Southern Landscapes, Paul Della Libera said, “Greening Australia are delighted to be working in partnership with Endeavour Energy to help people and nature thrive in the Shoalhaven region.

“Undertaking critical action to restore our local landscapes with the community alongside us, not only helps rebuild local ecosystems after bushfires but also builds future resilience into our landscapes, creating future homes and habitat for nature.”

Published on Apr 22nd 2022