From numbers to strategy

FROM NUMBERS TO STRATEGY: Our Chief Financial Officer Francoise Merit recently hosted a discussion with peers from across Australia’s electricity networks to share how Endeavour Energy is driving innovation to facilitate the current energy transformation.  

As part of the forum, Francoise shared how the role of the CFO is expanding to encompass a broader leadership mandate to drive sustainability strategies and investments in the long-term interests of customers, shareholders and the business.  

Francoise said that today’s finance functions are now transformed beyond traditional roles and plays a central role as strategists and change agents to embed sustainability strategies into the operational model to create true value. As part of the discussion, she shared insights on lessons learned from our Regulatory Reset program and how we're driving innovation across the organisation.  

Thank you ActewAGL, TasNetworks, ElectraNet Pty Ltd, Horizon Power, Essential Energy, Powerlink Queensland, Transgrid, Energy Queensland, Ausgrid and SA Power Networks for your contribution to this important conversation.

Published on Nov 8th 2023