Small device delivering big results

Endeavour Energy is committed to working smarter and safer, especially when it comes to our people.

Through our partnership with Soter Analytics we’re managing and improving the physical health and safety of our workforce, trialling wearable technology, AI and machine learning, to prevent injuries before they occur.

The SoterCoach wearable technology trial has so far delivered pleasing results across the range of manual handling tasks our field-based teams perform. The small devices are worn by participants and, over the course of the trial, they build up a bank of knowledge about how that person moves. Using this knowledge, they deliver feedback tailored specifically to the individual, and link to an app and personalised micro-learning videos so our people can focus on strengthening areas they may need assistance with. After adjusting their movements from the individual data they’ve received, participants have been able to improve their spinal movements by 12.8%, and shoulder movements by 28.3%.

This real-time measurement enables us to identify movement trends across teams and times of day, increases our ability to support their maintenance of healthy bones, muscles and joints, and improves fatigue management.

Innovating to increase safety prevention is changing long-held behaviours following serious injury. We want to avoid repeat incidents and to continue to perform our work well, while maintaining the heath of our people.

We will continue our focus on identifying other best practice opportunities across our business for similar tasks, which can then inform safety in design decisions and optimise the safe delivery of our services.

By better understanding the physical health of our workforce, we’re supporting our people to do their best work while they power our communities.

Watch our trial in action below.

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Published on Jul 20th 2023