Wrangling data to achieve Net Zero

Our Chief Data, People & Sustainability Officer, Melissa Irwin, recently spoke to the French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry 2023 Sustainability Forum on how data and technology can be a key enabler for businesses to achieve their sustainability and net zero ambitions. 

On a panel with Dominic Hatfield (Sydney Water), Huw Bridges (Transdev Australia) and Carlos Urbano (Schneider Electric) moderated by Emma Herd (EY Net Zero Centre), Mel spoke to a captivated audience on the challenges many Australian businesses are likely to face in meeting their climate change targets.   

Mel emphasised the need to have clean and usable data to inspire people, resolve roadblocks and set meaningful short and medium-term targets to drive the necessary transformative behaviours to achieve longer term sustainability goals.

“You need to get the right data into the right peoples’ hands to breakdown the bigger sustainability challenges into bite size chunks,” Mel said. “Using data and technology to visualise the challenges helps people realise longer-term goals are more achievable than they realise and helps breed healthy competition between teams who want to do their part in achieving collective targets across the business.” 

Thank you to the French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Schneider Electric and EY for the opportunity for Endeavour Energy to join this important conversation on sustainable economic development.

Published on Oct 25th 2023