
Where electricity is generated. The main methods used to generate electricity in Australia are: coal; solar; wind.

Transmission network operator

Electricity is typically generated a long way from homes and businesses. The transmission network operator transports the energy at high voltages from power plants to bulk supply stations.

Electricity distributors

Endeavour Energy, and other distributors, are responsible for transporting electricity from these bulk supply stations to zone substations. Zone substations are usually for entire suburbs, and from here the electricity is sent to where it’s needed. Powerlines then carry the electricity to consumers in their homes, offices and businesses.

Endeavour Energy is responsible for maintaining the zone substations, powerlines and other infrastructure within our designated zone .

We are also responsible for working with councils, planners and developers to plan for future energy needs and implement projects and trials to find new and better ways to deliver energy and meet the needs of the modern grid .

Electricity retailers

These are the companies who manage the cost of your energy supply – their name appears on your energy bill. And as a consumer, you have the right to choose your electricity retailer, although you may be limited to certain options depending on your location.

Privately generated power

Some individual consumers or businesses supplement their power supply through the use of power generated on their own properties, such as via solar power.

They may also opt to store some of this electricity in battery units. Any excess electricity that is generated may be sold back to the network and used to supplement the grid’s power supply.